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How to setup PostVis Admin w/ Virtual Domains (Postfix/Dovecot/Amavisd-New/Quota)

If you follow this document's setup, you will have a mail server with the following features:

  1. Virtaul Domain Hosting
  2. Spam and Virus Filtering
    1. Spam Filtering done by Spamassassin
    2. Virus Filtering done by Clamav
  3. Whitelist/Blacklist Functionality
  4. Dovecot IMAP/POP3
    1. Dovecot for Virtual Domain Delivery
    2. Dovecot for SASL SMTP Authentication
  5. SMTP Authentication through Dovecot Authentication
  6. MailDir quota

OS Installation

During development of PostVis Admin we mainly tested on Ubuntu Linux. This has been tested on Dapper LTS to the current Jaunty Alpha. It should work on almost any web server/mail server OS that uses Postfix/amavisd-new.

Some Performance tips:

  1. RAM - The more the better.
  2. Hard Drives
    1. Do anything you can speed up access. Any type of RAID will help, and also provide a redundency for your mail server, (Except striping - RAID 0)
  3. Test, test and test again.
    1. Before you go live, test the server, make sure its going to handle the load. If you expect a large volume of mail, it might be wise to split amavis, postfix, mysql onto separate servers, or even clusters.

Download Ubuntu Server Edition (64-bit if you have 64-bit CPU) from

During the Install you will be prompted for installation type, select "Install LAMP Server"

During the install partition the drives as you see fit, usually is best to keep /var on a separate partition(recommend raid array or fast drive setup), default mail store is normally /var/mail, default www is usualy /var/www.

After the install make sure to update all the packages, and make sure that any lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list file refering to universe or multiverse packages, to uncomment them. To update your system run the following commands:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

The command apt-get dist-upgrade is used here to include any kernel updates that ubuntu has issued. To update the system normally you can just use apt-get upgrade. After the dist-upgrade command, you should reboot the system.

After the system is rebooted, we need to install all the software that we will be needing:

apt-get install amavisd-new postfix spamassassin postfix-mysql dovecot-common pyzor razor arj cabextract clamav clamav-daemon unrar zoo unzoov-daemon unrar zoo unzoo openssh-server

From Install.txt File:


Amavis-New Setup
#NOTE: If you have a working Postfix/Amavis-New setup working, skip to step #3

1)Edit your postfix (usually located /etc/postfix) Add the following line:

content_filter = amavis:[]:10024

2) Edit your (usually located /etc/postfix) Add the following:

amavis unix - - - - 2 smtp
-o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
-o max_use=20 inet n - - - - smtpd
-o content_filter=
-o local_recipient_maps=
-o relay_recipient_maps=
-o smtpd_restriction_classes=
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
-o mynetworks=
-o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
-o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
-o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1001

pre-cleanup unix n - - - 0 cleanup
-o virtual_alias_maps=
-o canonical_maps=
-o sender_canonical_maps=
-o recipient_canonical_maps=
-o masquerade_domains=

2) edit the services on their approprate lines:

smtp inet n - - - - smtpd
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup

cleanup unix n - - - 0 cleanup
-o mime_header_checks=
-o nested_header_checks=
-o body_checks=
-o header_checks=

3) Edit your amavis.conf (Debian users should add the following to the /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user file)

@lookup_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:database=<DATABASE>;host=<HOST>', '<USERNAME>', '<PASSWORD>'] );
@storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;
$banned_files_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
$spam_quarantine_method = 'sql:';

3a) Make sure to edit the first line and change the <> tags to your information

4) restart amavis and postfix and verify that they are still working by

5) Optional: Set your default values for Amavis in your amavis.conf file(50-user for Debian). If Amavis-new can not find valid rules for a domain in SQL, it will use the default values found in the conf file.

PostVis Admin Setup(Web Interface)

1) Copy the config.php.sample to config.php in the root directory.

2) Edit the config.php file in the root directory and edit it to match your setup.

3) Browse to the admin page by going to the following page in your web browser(Change domain.tld to your IP or hostname of the server):


3a) Default username: admin
Default password: admin

4) Add the default domain by filling out the "Add domain form"

5) Change the password for the admin by going to domain admins and editing the admin user

For questions or support issues please post in the forums on our project page:

FAQ's - Check the README file

More to come, please send feature request or any recommendation to the forums at the project page.




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